In many different industries there is a great demand for specialized structural elements, which are most often made of durable stainless steel. The Polish company Perfopol, which specializes in the production of this kind of structural elements, uses stainless steel for this purpose, which shows resistance even to highly corrosive acids. Perfopol is extremely popular internationally, and we can also offer our customers services in the form of cnc punching, as well as the possibility of cutting and burning steel sheets. Services such as cnc punching are provided at very affordable prices, and our customers can also choose to purchase professional protective clothing for employees.

Hier werden Ihnen Drahtgeflechte vorgestellt.
Eigentlich vom richtigen Vorstellen der Drahtgeflechte darf keine Rede sein, es sind nur einfache verflochtene Drähte aus Stahl die dem Baugewerbe dienen sollen, sei es zu Stärkung von Betonwänden, oder zum Aufstellen...